2.4782 – F562 MP35N – UNS R3330035

Ultra high strength nickel-cobalt alloy with good ductility, oxidation and corrosion resistance, which is hardened by cold working and aging.

Mechanical characteristics

Recuit Ecroui Ecroui + viellisement
Rm Mpa ≤ 930 1070 – 1800 1089 – 2068
Rp0,2 Mpa
A % Min 70
Dureté Hb
Résilience daj/cm2

Chemical composition %

C Si Mn S P Cr Ni Co
19,00 33,00
0,025 0,15 0,15 0,010 0,015 21,00 37,00 Rest.
  • Other dimensions, please contact us
    Straightness: between 0.3 and 2 mm/m
    From class 8
    Length : from 1 to 7 meters
    Minimum production run: 1 bar
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